Meet The NewERA!
Entrepreneurial Renaissance Athletes
Fit to challenge life and strengthen mankind.
By graduation, NewERA students have their choice of college, career, business. They think for themselves, conduct themselves professionally and take charge of their own lives. They master the fundamentals: math, science, reading, writing, and communications. They regularly experience great literature, art, music, world cultures, athletics and business. They design products, compose original works, start organizations, master technology, play an instrument, manage a portfolio, converse in a foreign language and champion a cause.
Fit to challenge life and strengthen mankind.
By graduation, NewERA students have their choice of college, career, business. They think for themselves, conduct themselves professionally and take charge of their own lives. They master the fundamentals: math, science, reading, writing, and communications. They regularly experience great literature, art, music, world cultures, athletics and business. They design products, compose original works, start organizations, master technology, play an instrument, manage a portfolio, converse in a foreign language and champion a cause.